After school today, Christian came over and I taught him how to dance a waltz and the basic box-step. Those should come in handy for the Masquerade this coming weekend.
Right now I'm drinking yummy peppermint tea and watching The Secret of Moonacre in hopes that my headache will go away and LEAVE ME ALONE. But it's not so far.
Tomorrow, should we have school, I have 2 tests. One in AP World History and the other is in Chemistry. Chemistry I'm not worried about because I like that subject and it's easy for me, while AP World just has a lot of stuff to cover. I like challenging classes though, so I'm happy to have the opportunity to take it.
Well today is yet another snow day, leaving me with very little to do other than write. I'm working on two short stories, both murder mysteries. The theme can be blamed on the song Transylvania by McFly and also the book The Devlin Diary by Christi Phillips, my two obsessions this week. The first story I'm writing is based on Transylvania and is sort of a historical personal narrative, which is fun to write although the ending is sad. The second is called Memories of a Murder, which I'm writing for my friend Justin and is titled after the name of his band. That story also includes all members of said band as the main cast of characters (namely themselves). 
So other than that, I'm enjoying my snow day and working on my lines. Eating breakfast with the family was fun and Fin (my German foreign exchange brother) is sick. So other than that we're all chilling out and enjoying our day. Peace out my lovely friends.
This blog has nothing to do with snow. I just wanted to say that at one point, so I figured I'd get it overwith in the title. NOW! On to more important things, like my rather dull life. Dull as it is, I feel very accomplished today! In first hour my group managed to finish our map (although it's probably half as detailed as Wares wants it) and then I wrote a bunch of poems for Creative Writing. In Trig/Pre-Calc Chloe and I managed to finish our 4 mulitpart problems while also going on fun tangents and talking about our issues. Then in fourth hour I did nothing but be cute with my adorable boyfriend (who apparently does push-ups for kisses) and in fifth hour we had a sub so I finished our worksheet with most of class to spare. It was a very good day for me overall.
And tomorrow I get to go to the Dentist's office and get a cavity filled. Woot. Numb mouth all tomorrow. That's gonna be a jolly good time. Well that was my day in a nutshell, and I'm very happy with it. MWAH TO ALL YOUR LOVELY FACES!
I had a blast going to see Yellowcard and All Time Low last night at the Orbit Room. Yellowcard kicked butt and did an awesome set that was so much fun to listen to and sing along with. ATL disappointed me with their cussing and mushmouthed lyrics. Luckily I came home and listened to a bunch of McFly to make up for it (McFly is an amazing British band that has some kickass songs)
So other than that I have made up with some people who were being rather rude at school, my friends are all happy, our play could use a little more work, but my life is wonderful. I'm really excited for everything.
In February things will get crazy. The Masquerade ball is coming up. Which means this weekend I will be altering my dress, making my and Christian's masks and finding him a tie to match my gown. And then is our play the following weekend, which will be SO MUCH FUN. I get to be fake pregnant as an extra, which is gonna be super funny. Then the next week is Valentine's Day followed by our 10-month anniversary. So hurry up February, and get here!
I love to help people, I really do. I love to talk through problems and come up with solutions or give them advice if they need it. I have created more successful couples than I can count, and solved multiple bullying or stress issues. God has given me the gift of charisma and a cool head and I can use that gift to help others, which I adore doing. But if you come to me and use me like a diary I don't want anything to do with it. I am not a diary. You can't just dump your problems on me and expect me to take care of them like a fairy godmother. 
My friend is in a crapload of trouble with some girls because he has issues controlling himself, his emotions, and his hormones. But when both parties come to me complaining and asking me to fix it, that's as far as it goes. I gave him advice, which he never takes or heeds, and then he comes whining back when I "made it worse." I'm not a damn diary. So stop treating me like one.
I love each of my friends, but I'm not here for you to dump your problems on. 
So today was Chloe's birthday party. We played Apples to Apples (which I won) and started our character profiles for the new roleplay game 'team' we're starting which is loosely based on a combination of Magic, Lord of the Rings, and Dungeons and Dragons. We're all very excited and have many good ideas about where our club should go depending on our support from various teachers. 
Other than that, in less than a week Christian and I will be going to see Yellowcard and All Time Low WITHOUT PARENTAL SUPERVISION at a venue I am already familiar with. I'm very excited because I like both Yellowcard and All Time Low and who doesn't love hanging out with their significant other in a dark room with screaming fans and two awesome alternative bands playing with no parents around? NO ONE. Or idiots. 
And with the play sneaking up so quickly and a masquerade ball just around the is so good right now. 
I went home sick today in the middle of fourth hour, which was disappointing because Christian was playing Jeremy and it was super fun to watch. On the plus side, I got ahead on all of my homework and even got to watch a little Psych with tea in bed (mostly because I couldn't move). Tea is the most wonderful medicine in the world and seems to heal all of my ailments. Especially green tea or minty tea. It has to have magic in that little muslin teabag I swear! Right in there with the leaves.So yeah, today was a slight disappointment BUT I did manage to get my lines totally down and focused. Which I am happy about since I'm too tired to do really anything else. 
My sonic screwdriver came in the mail today and it was everything I had hoped. Maybe a little bit less cause it's plastic but I wasn't really expecting anything super fancy. Hoorah!
I miss Maria and I really can't wait to see her tomorrow and smother her with my love and excitement. And on Saturday I get to go to my friend Chloe's Sweet 16 which will be, of course, totally awesome. Especially since she's my Bennett sister and I love her dearly and to bits. She and I used to get into so much trouble together. In winter we would go sit in her hottub and sing at the top of our lungs about our boy problems. We're really close, to say the least. And on that note, a very happy one I may conclude, I do leave thee. GOODNIGHT! 
I am so happy because I can be! My date went wonderfully and I finished memorizing my lines AND watching Doctor Who. Dad made pork ribs for dinner too, which are my favorite! :)
I think I'm going to throw a DW party. We can have chips, fish-sticks and custard, banana splits (Always take a banana to a party, Rose) and maybe some other cool stuff. Like bowties. Bowties are cool. Oh! We can all bring our fezzes and stetsons and sonic screwdrivers and sit in my living room like creepers and watch several episodes of Who and maybe the girls can spend the night. 
I am really excited about this, so I should go plan it out fully. 
Love you all!
Oh! And my bestie Logan has reinstated me. Woohoo. I feel loved and accomplished. Better be off, I have a party to plan!
So I have nearly finished Doctor Who. I'm just waiting to finish my line memorization for the Minstrel, for family friends to leave, and for things to settle down. Thursday will probably be my estimate time to finish the last two episodes and then the first episode of season seven, which I am very excited to see. I'm currently listening to an awesome dubstep song ( which is weird since I usually dislike dubstep. I found it by accident and I totally love it. I also had an awesome Christmas at my dad's house and my Sonic Screwdriver should be coming in the mail soon! I'm super excited for that too. 
I have a date on Friday! We're going to see Les Miserables, then dinner at Outback, and the dance at the Great Wolf Lodge, which is fun. Three different things, it's going to be so much fun! And he's old-fashioned. Woot! 
So other than homework, Who, and dates, Christmas and New Years were both fun. I spent last night chilling out on my couch snuggling my human and hanging out with Ben, my friend from downstate and my dad's friend's son.