I was extremely disappointed the other day by one of my role models. I've looked up to my youth leader for years because of her faith and kindness, but she did something that really upset me.
I love Dawn and she's a great woman but she looked down on my relationship simply because I'm in high school. Christian and I were really excited when we heard about the "circumastances that lead to love" in the Bible because he and I have a really fun story about how we met. But when we told her about it per Christians idea, she frowned and gave us a short lecture (including statistics) about how we shouldn't expect to make it past high school together and that we wouldn't last. Its upsetting, but I guess life is life. I don't respect her any less but really...act like an adult. Encourage people don't put them or their goals down.
So besides Exams being a total whiz, I have fallen in love with Doctor Who. Laura told Mel and Mel told me and now I have to learn so much more about my new favorite subject. I have made it through 2 and a half seasons in 3 or 4 days. I really need to finish 3 more seasons before Christmas so I can watch the Christmas special beginning of the new season. Only I'm really upset with the ending of Season 2, by the way, and intend to have a serious word with the Doctor next times he swings around. 
Oh! And David Tennant is amazingly fantastic. :D I love him so much! Okay I need to go. 




I am so not excited for Exams! Besides writing an essay for my AP World class, I don't look forward to any of them. I have an awkward and annoying monologue about a prostitute in theatre Inquiry. And I guess I like cleaning out the prop room and helping make the Madrigal Feaste set all pretty again. At least I don't have Spanish anymore! Thank goodness! Except now I have math and science for the rest of the year...at least I have creative writing and theater. I hope.
:) this week and it's all over.
On either Friday or Saturday of this upcoming weekend (the one AFTER Thanksgiving) probably Saturday...my beautiful boyfriend is going to take me out to dinner. I don't know how it happened, but we were arguing over me paying for our tickets to the play this past weekend and he simply said, "Then I'm taking you to dinner next weekend." and it was set. I've never met anyone so wonderful and spontaneous. He's usually really shy around people he doesn't know (trust me, it's so CUTE) but put him and I together and you're gonna get the crazy Christian that I hold so dear.
So yeah, I'm very excited for my impromptu date. I believe we're going to the Mackinaw Brewing Company for dinner/lunch. Maybe we'll see what's playing at the State and stroll down for a show while we're at it. Might as well make it a real date since they don't happen often.
Well goodnight for o

Today was my Theater Inquiry play, Disable the Label. I had a ton of fun dancing, performing, hanging out with my friends, and doing what I love most! I got to hang out with my theater family and spent all of my school day snuggling with my boyfriend. I absolutely love life! And tonight is youth group, where I will see all my wonderful church people and worship God. 
Ain't no party like a Pewdiepie party! I am so excited for tomorrow night and getting to hang out at Krista's. I love hanging out with my friends and we are going to have the most fun-est sleepover ever. So yeah, I can't wait. :D

Okay so there is this guy...he's my best friend.
He is super awesome and gives me "the perfect combination of love and abuse". He's really funny and excitable all the time. I'm really glad I have a friend like him, especially since no one else has been there for me all through everything like he is. Sure, I used to be super close friends with lots of people, but no one deserves my respect or good word like Sebastian. I'm really lucky to have a friend as nice as he is to me.
And then there's Seth.
He's not one of my super-close friends but he's hilarious and awesome :) Go Seth!
At 2pm today my mom will be marrying Bud Solem. That's kind of a scary thought. They've only been dating 10 months and now they're going to be married. I will have 2 older brothers, Matt and Austin, and 3 older sisters, Sarah, Melissa, and (another one but they don't talk about her much). So I'm a little freaked out. I guess I don't mind having a new family, in fact I kind of like it, but it's weird because I've never had an older guy living in my house let alone TWO of them. 
My mom's dress is really pretty. It's all western and old, not really a wedding dress, but it's perfect for her. She's wearing it with turquoise jewelry and cowboy boots (which I am not fond of personally). No one in the wedding party is matching. In fact, there is no wedding party. Only guests. And then after the wedding we have to go to our new house and pray over it so that it will be finished before January. The builders said it was going to be done this month but they lied and now everyone is confused about who is going to live where. 
I'm really excited to move though, because I can bike to my boyrfriend's house. :) It's a long bike ride but I don't mind. I am so excited for school on Tuesday, because I need to clear up my scattered brain. 
I live my big bro Steve. He is always super nice to me and tells me when I'm wrong or need to change something about my attitude. I get to see him tonight and I'm happy to see him.
Last night I had a conversation on the phone that nearly caused my entire world to shatter around me. For a second, I thought Christian had rescinded his love and that I was no longer worthy of it. I had no idea what was going on, but it's okay now. He says the sweetest things and we have the weirdest relationship I've ever known, and it's perfect. He says things that make me smile, sometimes cry for joy, sometimes cry out of sadness. But not matter what he's always there for me. He says I apologize too much (which is true) but I apologize because I don't want him to hear something, get offended, and leave. I just apologize to monitor myself and the sometimes stupid things I say. 
I really love this kid. And sometimes I say weird things and he replies with, "That's adorable." And I know I'm safe. Nothing can touch me when he's around. I'm just lucky I guess. <3 
So, on a note that has nothing to do with this blog: go listen to