Lately I've been listening to my old favorite band again. It's great hearing their lyrics and thinking of what my life was like when I first heard that song. What was I thinking? What did the lyrics mean to me then, and what do they mean now? It's such a great feeling, knowing those words have a great impact on my life. Especially the albums "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" and "The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys."
Their new album, "Conventional Weapons" is finally out. I'm so excited! Songs on there like Boy Division and Kiss the Ring really make you think of the good old days. MCR is one of those bands that always stays true to their meaning. Tokio Hotel was a good band but they changed everything about themselves constantly and it's hard to say you still love them.
Anyway, I'm glad to have worked myself back into the ranks of the MCRmy. 
Today I received an awesome visit from my big brother Steve. He stopped by after church and brought me a 2 liter of Cherry Pepsi (Yum, my favorite!) and then we hung out on my couch and talked about lots of silly and funny things. Steve and Sebastian are two guys that I'd really trust with anything. Steve especially because he doesn't do that annoying thing where he brings up one of your secrets really loudly and in front of everyone.
Steve lets me rant to him, rants to me, and helps me out a lot when I really need someone. He's great at giving advice and can also screw around and be silly when you need cheering up. I love Steve and hanging out with him :)
He's my backup husband, haha. I don't know what I'd do without a friend like him.
I am so sick of snow days! All I wanted when I woke up this morning was to go to school so I could suffer through the day and enjoy my lunch date with my boyfriend. But I guess that's not going to happen. I'm gettin' real tired of your shit, Northern Michigan.
So I guess writing stories and reading books and drinking tea will have to make up for my lack of snuggles today. Even as I sit here watching my brother play video games, like he's been doing for the past two hours. His eyes might fall out of his head at this rate. Wow...the snow is actually kind of pretty outside the living room window. Blowing all over the place in a white cascade. 
I love to play with words. It's one of my favorite things to do. Just play with words and move them. How can I write? What's a new style? Can I immitate this author? What's going to happen if I do? What stories can I come up with? Out of those ideas, which one should I develop? Writing is a dangerous but fun business. 
Thursday morning the theater was packed with kids from preschool to sixth grade. They sat in their seats, some bored and some nervous. Some of them were excited and others didn't quite understand what was going on. Backstage, the actors were trying to calm their nerves and the extras just kind of chilled wherever until they were needed in the second scene. This performance was something each and every one of them would remember for a long time to come. The kids laughed and played along, cheering for the Emperor and booing the villains, even laughing at their 'punishment' at the hands of the Empressettes. 
My show was Saturday night, last night, and it was honestly one of the most fun parts I've ever played. I got to direct the show and play the mischievous, if not fun-loving and sassy, Minstrel (who narrates everything). I introduced scenes and foreshadowed exactly what was going to happen next. It was so much fun and the play went splendidly. I hope to be in productions like this in the future, because West is going to be my home for a couple years yet. 
My boyfriend is such a sweetheart! If I'm really tired and he's not (and I'm being stubborn and refusing to sleep) he will tell me a bedtime story. Last night he told a story about the characters in our play falling in love and it was adorable!
Speaking of the is SO MUCH FUN! The matinees went very well and I had 3 little girls tell me that I was their favorite character. It's always so wonderful to hear a child say that you had even the smallest influence on you.
Plus I made friends with my "fun buddy" Christian Brown, who is awesome.
Tea is my newest addiction. Too much BBC will do that to a person. But now I am sure I will spend all my money on tea! Well I am tired. Perhaps another story?
Hugs and stories - Teague
Last night was the masquerade ball, which was super amazing! I had a fantastic time dancing with Christian. He didn't really know how to dance at first, but picked up on it and was leading confidently by the end of the night. It was such a fun time, I think everyone who went had a blast.
It was small enough that not enough people came to cause drama either. It was classy dancing with people who really liked to have fun and not procreate with their clothes on. Most of the attendees were music-wing kids. Theater, choir, band, and orchestra kids were the majority of the guests and it was absolutely wonderful. I hope everyone else had a wonderful time too!