This blog has nothing to do with snow. I just wanted to say that at one point, so I figured I'd get it overwith in the title. NOW! On to more important things, like my rather dull life. Dull as it is, I feel very accomplished today! In first hour my group managed to finish our map (although it's probably half as detailed as Wares wants it) and then I wrote a bunch of poems for Creative Writing. In Trig/Pre-Calc Chloe and I managed to finish our 4 mulitpart problems while also going on fun tangents and talking about our issues. Then in fourth hour I did nothing but be cute with my adorable boyfriend (who apparently does push-ups for kisses) and in fifth hour we had a sub so I finished our worksheet with most of class to spare. It was a very good day for me overall.
And tomorrow I get to go to the Dentist's office and get a cavity filled. Woot. Numb mouth all tomorrow. That's gonna be a jolly good time. Well that was my day in a nutshell, and I'm very happy with it. MWAH TO ALL YOUR LOVELY FACES!

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