I went home sick today in the middle of fourth hour, which was disappointing because Christian was playing Jeremy and it was super fun to watch. On the plus side, I got ahead on all of my homework and even got to watch a little Psych with tea in bed (mostly because I couldn't move). Tea is the most wonderful medicine in the world and seems to heal all of my ailments. Especially green tea or minty tea. It has to have magic in that little muslin teabag I swear! Right in there with the leaves.So yeah, today was a slight disappointment BUT I did manage to get my lines totally down and focused. Which I am happy about since I'm too tired to do really anything else. 
My sonic screwdriver came in the mail today and it was everything I had hoped. Maybe a little bit less cause it's plastic but I wasn't really expecting anything super fancy. Hoorah!
I miss Maria and I really can't wait to see her tomorrow and smother her with my love and excitement. And on Saturday I get to go to my friend Chloe's Sweet 16 which will be, of course, totally awesome. Especially since she's my Bennett sister and I love her dearly and to bits. She and I used to get into so much trouble together. In winter we would go sit in her hottub and sing at the top of our lungs about our boy problems. We're really close, to say the least. And on that note, a very happy one I may conclude, I do leave thee. GOODNIGHT! 

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