Well today is yet another snow day, leaving me with very little to do other than write. I'm working on two short stories, both murder mysteries. The theme can be blamed on the song Transylvania by McFly and also the book The Devlin Diary by Christi Phillips, my two obsessions this week. The first story I'm writing is based on Transylvania and is sort of a historical personal narrative, which is fun to write although the ending is sad. The second is called Memories of a Murder, which I'm writing for my friend Justin and is titled after the name of his band. That story also includes all members of said band as the main cast of characters (namely themselves). 
So other than that, I'm enjoying my snow day and working on my lines. Eating breakfast with the family was fun and Fin (my German foreign exchange brother) is sick. So other than that we're all chilling out and enjoying our day. Peace out my lovely friends.

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