I was extremely disappointed the other day by one of my role models. I've looked up to my youth leader for years because of her faith and kindness, but she did something that really upset me.
I love Dawn and she's a great woman but she looked down on my relationship simply because I'm in high school. Christian and I were really excited when we heard about the "circumastances that lead to love" in the Bible because he and I have a really fun story about how we met. But when we told her about it per Christians idea, she frowned and gave us a short lecture (including statistics) about how we shouldn't expect to make it past high school together and that we wouldn't last. Its upsetting, but I guess life is life. I don't respect her any less but really...act like an adult. Encourage people don't put them or their goals down.
11/30/2012 05:37:31 am

personally, i dont think that love has a age, well...as long as you're not 15 and 20 or something. But you know adults thinking they should watch out for us and guide us. You guys are cute and will make it as long as YOU guys decide, it's been 7 months and there will be plenty more to come, I have faith in you guys. :)<3 besides at least you guys dont party and do other teenage things, so i think you guys are VERY mature!


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