


This weekend my stepmom has been making some pretty rude remarks about me and I don't understand why. My dad and I usually quip back and forth about things but she said, "Gosh you're getting really snippy with your dad." I'm not trying to be snippy. I apologized and just went upstairs, like I usually do. They wonder why I stay upstairs most of the time...
I don't really fit in with either side of my family. My mom is way too pushy and perfectionist for me to be fully comfortable with myself around her, and my dad is too childish to be really serious about anything with me. I feel like I'm the adult and that's really not fair. I've already decided what I want to be when I grow up. My grandmother told me I shouldn't stay with Christian too long or settle down too young because I have too many opportunities. All I want is to have something neither of my parents ever gave to me: A home and a family. ONE HOME with ONE WIFE and ONE HUSBAND. Nobody divorcing or leaving anyone else. Just the love of someone who understands and cherishes you and the blessing of God over your household. Isn't that what everyone wants? I want my kids to grow up without a broken family. I want them to be able to pursue their interests and have friends over without being nervous about how their parents will treat that friend. I want to be a loving, accepting, and nurturing mother. Honestly, as hard as my parents tried, I ended up on my own, raising myself, a lot of the time. They wonder why I'm so mature. Alright, rant over.

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