So having finished my other book, I needed a new one. I also got myself an 'audition' with the book store people and may have a job there, if not at Moomers or Aromas. Besides all my various job applications, most of which end in miserable failure, I've been doing a lot of studying and reading in order to fully prepare for exams. My math exam paper is due on Wednesday and the second half will be done in class. I'm a little nervous about it, but overall not too scared. Hopefully I pass that class with some sort of grade (I couldn't care less what it is if I pass). And then next trimester I'm taking all core classes and Spanish (which I totally hate).
After exams, I forward to another fantastic viewing of West's musical production: Beauty and the Beast. My best friend since the fourth grade, David, is playing the Beast. That boy has such an amazing voice, dang. Sometimes David can be a bit confusing to me, so I tend to steer clear when possible. I do say hello to him when I feel like it though, because I miss him a bunch. Anyway, back to my boring life with me! See you lovelies whenevs.

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