Liam: This guy and I share a birthday, and he's always really nice to me. When Christian's ex's boyfriend called me a loser bitch, he decided to go, "Have a little talk." with him. Liam is a big fluffy teddy bear that I am so happy to be friends with. He makes me smile when I'm down and whenever we get into little tiffs, they're easily resolved. Liam is the kind of guy who can make a sexual joke and not get smacked in the face over it. His hugs are the best hugs in the whole world ('sides Chris). He's one of the guys I am proud to call my friend and sort of 'big brother'.
Steve: Steve IS my big brother. I was his freshman last year, and he remains one of my all-time closest and best friends. Steve is the guy who smacks me upside the head when I need it most. He's also there to keep an eye on me and help me when I'm feeling down. People like him are hard to come by. He always takes care of me, but isn't afraid to be brutally honest. We can be silly, and talk to each other about literally ANYTHING. With Steve, I have no fear of being judged. Nor do I ever judge him. 
Brian: My Twin! Brian and I are close pals, and I help him with lots of things as he helps me. He's really quiet, but a total sweetheart and I adore him. 

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